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Top rated - Stone art
Pillar of Salt 1549 viewsIn the Bible Lot's wife looked back and she was instantly turned into a pillar of salt.
Looking at the world today - at the way we have squandered the world's resources, cutting down forests and polluting rivers and waterways, perhaps it is a good thing to look back and see how the world once was. We need to look back and figure out how to fix it rather than boldly moving on ignoring the signs
(1 votes)
New Beginnings938 viewsthe top piece of this statue is 1 metre tall, it sits on a plith (not fully shown in photo which is also about a metre tall). The flowing forms representthe unfurling of new fern fronds... new begininngs
(1 votes)
Outside of the Square661 viewsWhile making 'Eye of the Needle' I had a few other ideas pop into my head. This is the second statue in this series exploring shapes and shadow interaction... And yes, I had fun making this one!
Total height 1400 mm
(1 votes)
Great expectations773 viewsSoft curves again - Another of my ladies. Speaks for itself really.
statue 650mm high
(1 votes)
Toitoi692 viewsInspired by a trip to Hastings when I saw toitoi blowing in the wind.
More dramatic shadows when in full sun - but it doesn't photograph well with extremes in light and shadows
90cm tall including base. Two pieces pinned.
(1 votes)
The source667 viewsSoft flowing form, reminiscent of water flowing/
Statue 1.2 metres tall (plus base)
(1 votes)
Sundial711 viewsMy mum gave me a brass sundial plate for christmas so I had to make a stand for it. Again I've gone for a favourite motif... fern leaves and fronds44444
(5 votes)
Tail of the Taniwha720 viewsAt first I didn't know what to call this statue. I was just playing with shapes and spaces and it was nameless. Then Mum suggested Tail of the taniwha and I looked at it again and agreed - that was what it was. Total height 950mm
(3 votes)
Flax717 viewsstatue 1000mm tall + 180mm tall base = 1180 total height
Study of light and shadows
(2 votes)
Twist of Fate (side view)534 views(as before)44444
(1 votes)
Future Dreams708 viewsFour fern fronds unfurling. 1.5 m tall (approx)44444
(4 votes)
spikey sea-shell699 viewsI actually dug a spikey shell out of our garden and have no idea how it got here so far from the sea. This is what gave me the idea for this statue which is slightly modified to allow for strength. I really like the contrast between the soft curves and the viscious looking spikes.
750mm tall
(2 votes)
58 files on 5 page(s) 1