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Stone art -

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sea shell539 viewsI found a broken shell on the beach which showed the beautiful soft curves of the inside we don't usually see. This was the basis of this idea.
550mm tall
Hidden secrets700 viewsMy inspiration for this piece was a piece of broken shell off the beach where the smooth flowing form of the structure of the shell is only exposed after it is broke and worn by the sea... thus exposing the hidden secrets.
Stands about 65cm tall (plus base for stability)
mobius518 viewsSoft flowing shape with no beginning or end.
Statue is 60cm tall (SOLD)
A Twist in Time655 viewsOnly a small statue - 340mm in height.
Fate540 viewsTwisting form - similiar to Mobius with more twists and more upright stance. When I was carving this life was going through a bit of a bad patch in my life and it made me think how life twists from going through a good phase, and then a bad, and then good... etc. I suppose we have to have the bad, to appreciate the good?
810mm tall
Manaia601 viewsA twisty form standing 75omm tall (with base)
Memorial for Dad.673 viewsOne of the statues carved soon after my father's death in memory of him. This little tiki was made from one of the first pieces of stone I bought on the day Dad died. Dad taught me to carve in wood (in a Maori style) so this tiki is carved just for him.
detail "changing face"448 viewsCulture changes and evolves as it comes in contact with new ideas and other people.
Dad taught me to carve in a Maori style, and every now and then I revisit that.
In this piece I combine the traditional method of carving - with traditional shapes cut out of paua and inserted in the stone in a non-traditional way.
It pays homage to the past, and looks forward to the future – where the shape of things can still pay homage to what has come before, but isn’t afraid to adapt to new ideas.
Changing Face440 views
Silent Guardians359 viewsThey have been here since before men came to these shores. They have guarded the air, water and land. But now with the growing influence of man on the elements, they can only watch in silence as we destroy what is dear to them.
Water Guardian348 viewsThe Water Guardian cares for the creatures of the lakes and rivers, and the ocean. He watches in despair as we pour pollution into our waterways and ignore the health of those that rely on the water to live.
Guardian of the Land352 viewsThe Land Guardian cares for what grows and lives upon the land. the trees, plants and animals.
126 files on 11 page(s) 7