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detail "Don't know"479 views
Tail of the Taniwha718 viewsAt first I didn't know what to call this statue. I was just playing with shapes and spaces and it was nameless. Then Mum suggested Tail of the taniwha and I looked at it again and agreed - that was what it was. Total height 950mm
Abstract 1614 viewsStatue approx 600mm tall + 140mm base = 740 total height.
Another doodle in stone. Playing with shapes and shadows.
Stairway to heaven680 viewsI see the little grooves in this one as steps... but other people have told me that it reminds them of teeth??? (Can't see it myself)
Anyway, small statue - 360mm tall
Hope springs eternal...633 viewsSmall statue using flowing theme. When I was carving this the expression ' like getting blood from a stone' kept coming to mind, but I thought that was a bit yucky so I've named it something more hopeful and positive.
Stands 350mm tall
River Song351 viewsI was sitting on the banks of the Waipawa River one day, throwing stones in and watching the ripples made when I found myself transfixed by the movement of water over and around stones. I watched the way the water swirled and flowed making patterns in light and form.
It always intrigues me trying to replicate movement in something really static like stone – it is so rigid and fixed - so I saw it as a challenge.
River song 1353 viewsOne piece out of series of three
River song 2352 viewsSecond piece of series of three
riversong 3348 views3rd piece of a series of three
The source667 viewsSoft flowing form, reminiscent of water flowing/
Statue 1.2 metres tall (plus base)
The Source (at night)540 viewsThis year I bought some cheap $5 solar lights and lit up some of my sculpture... here's The Source
spikey sea-shell698 viewsI actually dug a spikey shell out of our garden and have no idea how it got here so far from the sea. This is what gave me the idea for this statue which is slightly modified to allow for strength. I really like the contrast between the soft curves and the viscious looking spikes.
750mm tall
126 files on 11 page(s) 6