Floral symphony410 viewsIn my garden I have a really wild patch where Japanese anemones grow rampant. They twist together and fight for position, trying to get the best light and soil, and crowding out any other plants in their way. Many people tell me that these plants are weeds and I should try to eradicate them because they’ll take over my whole garden.
But I love them. I love the way their white flowers stand out in the shadows, and how regardless of my neglect of them that they’ll reward me with a riotous floral symphony
Tui on Flax (Lacey)492 viewsIn Spring there are hundreds of tuis at my place, fighting over kowhais and flax flowers while I work. They are such beautiful birds.
I have been thinking about making a lacey sculpture with birds for a while and a tui on a flax is my first attempt.
This was made a a birthday present for an environmentalist. I hope it sits well amongst your bush/garden and that the tuis fly around it there too. (SOLD)
A Taste of Elegance520 viewsThis is one of the most time consuming pieces I have ever carved! It took months - to carve out the bowl of the glass, drill thousands of holes to make the laceyness, shape the leaves, and the sanding was a nightmare.
But this piece while formal, is super elegant. I uplight it at night to show the shadows and form. Its one of my current favourites.
Taste of Elegance (at night)530 viewsThis year I bought some cheap $5 solar lights and lit up some of my sculpture... here's Taste of Elegance
collection of statues663 viewsJust dreaming (reclining), Exposed to the elements, and Nikau statues outside my shed at home
Just Dreaming780 viewsJust Dreaming is a reclining form, about 1.4 metres in length. When she was lying on my drive outside my shed she was often stroked by visitors who enjoyed her very smooth finish (like marble).
exposed to the elements - side view683 viewsShe turns her face up to the sun, wind and rain... trully exposed to the elements.
Statue sits about 1 metre tall (plus base). Another statue people love to touch (very smooth)
Exposed to the elements - face view683 viewsdifferent angle showing detail of face
Moon maiden628 viewsI like curves and exaggerating forms. This lady stands a little over 600mm tall
Escape (back view)915 viewsThis piece of stone I've had around for a few years so is fairly aged looking, but just right for this sculpture. You see a grey block of stone from this angle, and if you walk around it, the lady will be revealed.
About 1.2m tall
Escape (side view)631 viewsMy daughter actually suggested a lady escaping from a piece of stone... so here she is...
My lady is pushing her way out of the stone and into the light, and evolving as she does.
Her body is ultra-smooth and lovely to touch, her hair which is being torn free from the stone is rough, and the rest of the stone from is unsealed so it is grey and aged.
detail "Escape"473 views
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